Saturday, December 27, 2008


Yes, I know, what a great looking snow man and who offended Zoozoo? Wow what a week it has been here in Newcastle. With several inches of snow over the last week it has made life a little more interesting. Throw into the mix a visit from Kathy and Gavin (my sister in law and her son) and it has made for a hectic few days. It was certainly a lot of fun spending some time with the family even if I was a little guilty at times of sitting at the computer working when i should have probably been out playing in the snow!

What was interesting was trying to think of ways to get some training in, in spite of the snow and ice (which made driving on a couple of the days impossible, well for Cindy and I anyway). So what are your options? Well they are many but the first real 'snow' session was on Sunday where Cindy and I decided to go for a snow shoe run.

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